FORBES.COM > The Celebrity 100
It's that time of year again: Forbes Magazine's Celebrity 100, which celebrates those who made more money in 12 months than I'd see in 12 lifetimes. I can't figure out what makes this stuff so darn fascinating, instead of just amazingly depressing, but get a load of these figures...
From June 2005 to June 2006, the following folks pocketed the following scratch:
Steven Spielberg - $332,000,000 (!)*
George Lucas - $235,000,000
Jerry Seinfeld - $100,000,000
Jerry Bruckheimer - $84,000,000
Tom Cruise - $67,000,000
The Olsen Twins - $40,000,000
Peter Jackson - $39,000,000
Denzel Washington - $38,000,000
Adam Sandler, Johnny Depp & Tom Hanks - $29,000,000 (each, obviously)
Jodie Foster - $27,000,000
Brad Pitt - $25,000,000
Angelina Jolie - $14,000,000
Mel Brooks - $5,000,000
Nicole Richie - $2,000,000
Scan through the article to see who else makes how much, and try not to smash your keyboard in frustration while you're reading; a new keyboard costs, like, 15 bucks.
(* He did sell his entire movie studio to Paramount, don't forget.)
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